I have to apologize for not being up on my blogging... I was on the mainland where I met up with Arthur and Roger in Santa Fe, NM. I actually started the trip by going to Tucson to visit my pal David Gilmore who has a fab blog (http://www.nineteenthparallel.com/lava) (he used to do radio stories for NPR) and just wrote a book about life and building here in Puna. Sadly, Puna sucked the life out of him and he ran away back to Arizona where he happily rides his bike to get around town and tinkles the ivory on his awesome grand piano. Because he didn't have a car he so thoughtfully got a bike for me to ride as well. So in 95 degree heat we rode just about 15 miles a day my two days there. He can be my disignated personal trainer. On that fateful second day we rode uphill in that heat to what was described to me only as an artist's gallery. Something I'm always interested in. He didn't tell me who's. It turns out I'm quite familiar with this artist whom I would call the Walter Keene of the Southwest: Degrazia... c'mon, you know his work too... someone must've said something to the artist because partway through his museum he started putting in the dots for eyeballs on his little figures. I actually like his non eyeball work better. Anyways, he also built a church for the community and of course had to paint the walls with his unique vision.
..thankfully, the ride home was downhill.
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